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Azizian, A; Lee, S; Shumilak, G; Groot, G; Reeder, B; Miller, L; Howell-Spooner, B. What are the risks or benefits of extended intervals between doses of COVID-19 vaccines compared to recommended dosing in extremely vulnerable populations? 2021 Apr 20, Document no.: EOC210302 RR. In: COVID-19 Rapid Evidence Reviews [Internet]. SK: SK COVID Evidence Support Team, c2021. 15 p. (CEST rapid review report).

Badea, A; Reeder, B; Groot, G; Miller, L; Mueller, M. What are the harmful/adverse effects of multiple doses of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines? 2022 Feb 04, Document no.: EOC220103 RR. In: COVID-19 Rapid Evidence Reviews [Internet]. SK: SK COVID Evidence Support Team, c2022. 10 p. (CEST rapid review report).

Badea, A; Reeder, B; Groot, G; Miller, L; Mueller, M. What are the one year outcomes for ICU COVID patients? 2022 Feb 18, Document no.: EOC220201 RR. In: COVID-19 Rapid Evidence Reviews [Internet]. SK: SK COVID Evidence Support Team, c2022. 11 p. (CEST rapid review report).

Badea, A; Groot, G; Reeder, B; Miller, L. What is the safety/efficacy of the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine? 2022 Mar 10. Document no.: EOC220302 RR. In: COVID-19 Rapid Evidence Reviews [Internet]. SK: SK COVID Evidence Support Team, c2022. 7 p. (CEST rapid review report).

Badea, A; Groot, G; Reeder, B; Mueller, M; Miller, L. When should post-COVID infected patients receive booster shots? 2022 May 24, Document no.: EOC220503 RR. In: COVID-19 Rapid Evidence Reviews [Internet]. SK: SK COVID Evidence Support Team, c2022. 9 p. (CEST rapid review report).

Rowein S, Singh S, Habbick M, Mehdiyeva K, Miller L, Gagneur, A, Groot G, Neudorf C, Camillo CA, Tokhmafshan, F, Muhajarine N. Motivational Interviewing for Vaccine Hesitancy. May 2022. Document no.: [12.1]. CoVaRR-Net Public Health, Health Systems, Social Policy Team, c2022.

Badea, A; Groot, G; Reeder, B; Fox, L; Young, C. What is the evidence on timing and outcomes of elective surgery after a COVID infection? 2022 May 27, Document no.: EOC220504 RR. In: COVID-19 Rapid Evidence Reviews [Internet]. SK: SK COVID Evidence Support Team, c2022. 11 p. (CEST rapid review report).

Badea, A; Dalidowicz, M; Howell-Spooner, B; Groot, G; Reeder. B. What is the efficacy of a 4th booster dose for COVID-19? 2022 Jun 07. Document no.: EOC220304v002 RR. In: COVID-19 Rapid Evidence Reviews [Internet]. SK: SK COVID Evidence Support Team, c2022. 12 p. (CEST rapid review report).

Badea A; MacFadden, M; Bishop, S; Dalidowicz M; Stojanovic V. What are the interventions to ameliorate the impacts of the pandemic on Healthcare workers? 2022 Feb 17, Document no.: EOC211202 RR. In: COVID-19 Rapid Evidence Reviews [Internet]. SK: SK COVID Evidence Support Team, c2022. 20 p. (CEST rapid review report).

9 records – page 1 of 1.